Estate Administration

How 2020 Has Taught Us How Unprepared We Were For The Unexpected

2020 was a difficult year and the pandemic taught us how unprepared we were for the unexpected. Estate Planning is now more important than ever. Make it your New Year’s resolution to be prepared for the future, which includes setting up your estate plan or updating your existing estate plan.

Protect Your Loved Ones with a Revocable Living Trust

Back in 2014 I met with Sam Jones (name changed to protect client’s confidentiality) at a local senior center where I volunteer once a month. Sam’s wife recently passed away and Sam was concerned about what would happen to his assets after he passed away. Sam has four children, Sally, Sandy, Scott, and Sam Jr. Sam’s biggest concern was that when he passed away the family home that he and his wife had worked so hard to pay off would have to go through probate. [...]

Pet Trusts in California

Pet Estate PlanningDo you love your pet? Do you consider your pet to be part of your family? Are you concerned about what will happen to Fluffy or Fido if anything happens to you? If your answer to any of these questions is "yes," please read this blog and learn more about how you can create a pet trust to insure that the people you want will care for your pet when you can no longer do so.What is a pet trust?It is a legally [...]

Avoiding Probate with Beneficiary Designation

Avoiding probate does not have to be complicated or expensive. There are simple steps you can take to ensure that certain assets pass to the people you chose without going through probate.  One of the easiest ways to avoid probate is to have the money in your bank accounts, retirement accounts and investment accounts automatically transfer to the beneficiary or beneficiaries of your choice after you pass away by filling out simple beneficiary designation forms with your bank and financial institution.Pay-on-Death (POD) Bank AccountsPay-on-death (POD) [...]

How to Avoid Probate

Many people feel strongly about avoiding probate at their death. You may think that a Last Will is something that family members handle among themselves after you pass away. Everyone pictures a scene out of a movie or TV show where the executor reads the Will to the family, and then proceeds to distribute the assets in accordance with the Will. The truth is that the process is never that simple. Unless your estate is valued at less than $150,000, the Probate Court must be [...]

Why Estate Planning is Important to You

Do you have an estate plan? You should have a carefully conceived estate plan which allows you to decide how your assets will be handled when you pass away or become incapacitated. You've probably spent a great deal of time and energy accumulating your assets, and a good estate plan will help protect your interests once you no longer are able to. Failure to properly plan your estate can leave your family’s property vulnerable. And the larger your estate, the more critical it is to plan [...]

What is a Durable Power of Attorney?

What is a Durable Power of Attorney? A durable power of attorney allows you to manage your property and financial affairs in the event that you become disabled or incapacitated. Unless you have a properly drafted power of attorney, when you become incapacitated or disabled, it may be necessary to go to court and have a guardian or conservator appointed to make decisions for you.  This conservatorship process is usually lengthy and expensive as well as being emotionally draining. There are two types of durable [...]

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