
Appointing A Guardian For Your Minor Children

A question that every parent contemplates in the wee hours of the night is “who will raise my children if I am gone?”  You can stop worrying if you provide for the guardianship of your children now. If you die leaving minor children and the other parent survives you, the other parent will most likely raise and support them.  If the other parent is not living, your minor children will require a guardian. A guardian is an individual who is appointed by the court to [...]

California Community Property Law

Spouses and domestic partners must consider California Community Property law because these laws impose limitations on the transfer of marital property or domestic partnership property when making a distribution of assets in their estate plan. While many people associate “community property” with divorce or dissolution of a domestic partnership, community property also plays an important role in estate planning. What is community property in California? Community property is all property acquired by a California resident during marriage or the domestic partnership that is not the [...]

January 20th, 2012|Real Estate|

Holding Title to Real Property in California

There are many different ways for people to hold title to property in California.  You should always consult with an attorney before deciding on how to hold title to California real property. California real property can be held by people as a sole owner or as a co-owner with another person.  Co-ownership of California real property involves two or more persons or entities acquiring and holding title together. Sole Ownership by Person or Entity A Single Person Property would be held as an individual who [...]

January 17th, 2012|Real Estate|

A Pour-Over Will

What is A Pour-Over Will?A pour-over will is a will used in connection with a trust.  A pour-over will is like any other will, except that the primary beneficiary is the testator's living trust.  The pour-over will transfers assets to the trust to ensure these assets will be subject to the distribution plan set up in the trust.  This kind of will “pours” any property the deceased owned at the time of his death that was not already accounted for in the trust into the [...]

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