
Protect Your Home With a Living Trust

The best way to protect your home from probate is to transfer it into a Living Trust. A Living Trust allows for the easy transfer of your home and saves thousands of dollars after you pass away. But it is not enough to establish your Living Trust – you must also properly transfer your home to your Living Trust.

Living Trust v. Transfer of Death (TOD) Beneficiary Designation

If you have a living trust, you may also have bank accounts or investment accounts titled in the name of your living trust. In that case, the financial account titled in the trust does not need a transfer-on-death (TOD) beneficiary designation and that account will always pass through your trust and be distributed to the beneficiaries under your trust.

What is a Living Trust?

A living trust is an estate planning document you can create during your lifetime. Assets are transferred to your living trust (such as your real property, bank accounts, and brokerage accounts). While you are alive, your trustee (who is usually you) will have complete control over all trust assets and can move the assets in and out of your living trust as needed.

Grandma’s Wedding Ring

Unlike financial assets, which can generally be divided easily among your children or grand-children, tangible personal property, like a wedding ring, is unique. Families fight over everything from ownership of a valuable painting, to a grandfather clock, to Dad’s gun collection, to who gets Grandma’s wedding ring.

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