Protect your home! Protect your money! Provide for loved ones! Avoid Probate! A Living Trust is the best way to do all of this.
A living trust (also referred to as a revocable living trust or revocable trust) ensures that after you pass away your property is easily distributed to your beneficiaries without the complications and costs of probate. A living trust also allows you to retain full control over your property and make any changes to your living trust during your lifetime. Learn more about living trusts.
Living Trusts FAQs
Do you have questions about Living Trusts? Visit our Living Trust FAQ page and read frequently asked questions about living trusts and estate planning. If you have additional questions or would like to schedule a consultation, please contact us.
Create a Living Trust
For more information on how to avoid probate and how to create a living trust, contact Estate Planning Attorney, Eric A. Rudolph Esq., at (760) 673-7600 or schedule an estate planning consultation.